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March in Flower - Alphabetical Listing.

To complement our main March flowering Plants, we list those included here in alphabetical order.

 Anemone blanda braves the snow - just to remind us about March!

Camellia Leonard Messel puts in an appearance - a welcome show of pink glowers in early March.
Chaenomeles - about to fade but plenty left
Chimonanthus praecox - Wintersweet
Corylopsis glabrescens - good colour.

Erythronium 'Pagoda" See link below.
Erythronium californicum 'White Beauty'. One of the most attractive - and useful spring flowering perennial bulbs for shaded places.
Edgeworthia very good - at their peak

Forsythia starting colour

Hamamelis now fading
Hepatica nobilis. Firstly the flowers poke up through the winter debris, soon followed by the foliage on this dwarf hardy perennial plant.
Helleborus orientalis really start to come into their own during March, with their nodding bowl shaped blooms. Colours from pure white through pinks and reds to deepest purple/mauve.

Iris reticulata - Blue dwarf
Iris danfordiae - Yellow dwarf

Narcissus well above ground and many burst into bloom now.

Pieris - with flower and foliage colour starting
Prunus pendula Rosea - One of the early flowering cherry trees (small and weeping)
Prunus tenella - very full of iytself!
Prunus triloba showing first signs of colour
Pulmonaria argentea group. Silver leaved with deep blue flowers in March

Rhododendron Christmas Cheer still going strong.
Rosmarinus - stunning on top of the dry wall

Skimmia x confusa Kew Green is now out in full flower.
Stachyurus praecox is now in full flower and looking gorgeous on this cold March day. 

Go to Main March flowers page

March in the Garden


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