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Spring Lawn care and maintenance. Preparing for the seasons ahead.

Spring Lawn care

The perfect lawnThe perfect lawn

The spring season is an important time for getting your lawn into top shape for the following months. What you do now in the spring by way of lawn care, will determine how well your lawn will cope with the wear and tear of day to day use, and also its ability to withstand drought or even water-logging during the summer months.

If you are just starting out with your lawn, then have a look also at our Autumn lawn care page.

When the spring season actually starts is more a combination of climatic conditions and general 'feel' about things than an actual date on the calendar! This is certainly true of lawns and lawn care maintenance.

If the grass is sodden or frosted - and it is certainly the former as I look outside at the moment (March 28) - then stay off the lawn, don't cut the grass, and just read a few more pages of the web site.

Spring | Schedule of Lawn Maintenance

a gardener fertilizing a perfect lawna gardener fertilizing a perfect lawn

Ah, spring! A time when the world seems to awaken with vibrant colours and fresh scents, and for us gardeners in the UK, it's a clarion call to arms—or should I say, to lawns! As the frost retreats and the first green shoots timidly peek through the soil, it's our moment to ensure our lawns are ready to flourish in the glory of the sun. Let’s embark on a journey through the essential steps of spring lawn maintenance and care, transforming your garden into a lush, verdant haven.

Step 1: Only preform this Task if your Lawn is not too Wet

If the lawn is dry enough, then it would be good to start the spring maintenance with a light roll. All sorts of things happen to the lawn and the soil under it in winter months - often resulting in some of the grass being actually lifted slightly. A light roll, either with the roller on a mower or a purpose made roller will settle the grass down again. Not a heavy roller! Do not expect to be able to roll an uneven and bumpy lawn flat. It does not work.

Step 2: Wake Your Lawn from Its Winter Slumber

First things first, let's gently wake your lawn from its winter slumber. Grab your rake and lovingly remove any thatch or debris that has accumulated over the colder months. This act of care allows your grass to breathe, soaking up all the sunlight and nutrients it has missed. According to sources like This Old House and The Home Depot, raking or de-thatching is a vital first step in spring lawn care.

Step 3: Let It Breathe - Aerate the Soil

A gardener Aerating his lawnA gardener Aerating his lawn

Next, we aerate. Just as we enjoy stretching after a long rest, your lawn needs to stretch out too. Aerating the soil helps relieve compaction, allowing air, water, and nutrients to penetrate deep into the roots. Tools can make this task easier, creating small holes throughout your lawn for that much-needed breath of fresh air.

Step 4: Nutritional Boost - Fertilize

Now, for a bit of pampering. Sprinkle a bit of magic dust—also known as fertilizer—across your lawn. This provides an essential nutritional boost, encouraging healthy growth. Opt for a slow-release formula that feeds your grass gradually, ensuring it gets just what it needs, when it needs it.

Step 5: Patchy No More - Overseed

Is your lawn looking a bit...bald? Fear not! Overseeding is the answer. Scatter new grass seeds over any bare patches, and even across the entire lawn to promote a thick, luscious carpet of green. Remember, patience is key; keep the area moist and avoid walking on newly seeded patches until the grass has established.

Step 6: The Thirst Quencher - Watering

Water, the essence of life! Your newly pampered lawn will be thirsty, especially as the sun grows stronger. Water deeply but infrequently, encouraging roots to grow deeper in search of moisture. Early morning is the best time to water, reducing evaporation and giving your lawn a full day to drink up.

Step 7: Mowing - The Art of the Trim

As your lawn begins to flourish, it's time to start mowing. But not too short! Cutting your grass to the ideal height encourages strong root development and prevents weeds from taking hold. Each type of grass has its preferred height, so do a bit of research to find out what works best for your lawn.

Step 8: Weed and Pest Control

Lastly, keep an eye out for uninvited guests. Weeds and pests can quickly undo all your hard work. Address these issues promptly, choosing environmentally friendly solutions whenever possible. Healthy, well-maintained lawns are less susceptible to invasion, so consider prevention as your first line of defense.

And there you have it, dear gardeners of the UK, your comprehensive guide to spring lawn maintenance and care. With a bit of effort, love, and patience, your lawn can become the envy of the neighborhood—a verdant oasis that beckons you to barefoot bliss. Here's to a spring filled with growth, renewal, and the joy of gardening!

Most of the 'hard' work should have been carried out with the Autumn Lawn Care and maintenance tasks. Spring is NOT a good time for scarifying the lawn - as has been explained in the Autumn page.

Spiking the Lawn

A view of special aerator for the handling and laying of the lawn on green grass. Garden machines concept.A view of special aerator for the handling and laying of the lawn on green grass. Garden machines concept.

If your lawn has not been spiked and has hard compacted areas through regular use, children, or dogs, it would be a good time to carry out a little spiking of the lawn whilst still damp from the winter rains. This will help the drainage and allow air to get down to the roots of the grass to help vigorous growth. You should also put in diary for possible aeration of your lawn in the Autumn.

Feeding the Lawn in Spring

April is a good time to start feeding your lawn in the lawn maintenance and care programme. A fine day, with damp soil under the lawn will be ideal. Read our tips on Lawn Feeding.

Feeding - if necessary - can then be carried on right through until the hot weather (Please) starts. You might also consider a dressing of Lawn Sand - which is chemically treated to kill off moss. This is not the sand that is normally used for top dressing your lawn.

The First Lawn Cut of the Year

Worker guy shake pour grass from lawn mower bag into wheelbarrow. Garden meadow lawn cutting. Summer works in garden. Static shot.Worker guy shake pour grass from lawn mower bag into wheelbarrow. Garden meadow lawn cutting. Summer works in garden. Static shot.
First spring lawn cut into stripes

The First Cut

As the gentle warmth of spring begins to unfurl across the UK, our gardens awaken from their winter slumber, presenting us with the perfect tableau for renewal and growth. Among these rites of spring, the first cut of the lawn stands as a pivotal moment, a delicate dance that sets the stage for the season's verdant splendor. Let us delve into the significance of this inaugural mow and guide you through performing it with the care and precision your garden deserves.

The Importance of the First Cut

The first cut of the year is more than a mere trim; it's a signal to your garden that the time for growth has arrived. According to experts from Ever-Green Lawn Care, this initial mowing sends a message to the roots of your grass, encouraging them to grow and renew, thus promoting healthy, vigorous plant development. It's an opportunity to invigorate your lawn, preparing it for the lush months ahead.

However, timing and technique are key. Cut too early, and you risk damaging the tender grass blades, potentially stunting their growth. Wait too long, and you may find yourself battling an unruly thatch that's difficult to manage. As noted by Tomlinson Bomberger, the first mow typically occurs sometime in April, but this can vary depending on weather conditions and grass type.

Preparing for the First Cut

Before you fire up the mower, there are a few essential steps to consider:

  • - Assess the Lawn's Readiness: Your lawn should be actively growing and at least three inches tall before its first cut, as advised by North Central Outdoor Power. This height ensures the grass has built up enough strength to recover from mowing.
  • - Inspect Your Equipment: Ensure your mower's blades are sharp and clean. Dull blades can tear the grass, leading to uneven growth and potential disease.
  • - Choose the Right Height: Resist the temptation to cut too short. The first mow should trim no more than one-third of the grass blade's length to avoid shocking the plant. Fantastic Gardeners recommend keeping the grass at an optimal height throughout the season, which varies by grass type but generally means not scalping it to the ground.

Performing the First Cut

With your lawn prepped and your mower ready, it's time to mow with mindfulness:

  • 1. Mow on a Dry Day: Wet grass can clump and clog your mower, leading to an uneven cut. Choose a dry day for the best results.
  • 2. Follow the One-Third Rule: Only cut one-third of the grass blade length to prevent stress on the grass and maintain healthy growth.
  • 3. Vary Your Mowing Pattern: Avoid mowing in the same direction every time. Alternating patterns encourages more upright growth and reduces wear on the grass.
  • 4. Leave the Clippings: If possible, leave the clippings on the lawn. They act as a natural fertilizer, returning valuable nutrients to the soil.
  • 5. Monitor Lawn Health: After the first cut, keep an eye on your lawn's health. Adequate watering (but not overwatering) and spot treatment for any emerging weeds or pests will ensure your lawn continues to thrive.

In embracing these practices, you're not merely mowing a lawn; you're setting the stage for a season of growth, vitality, and beauty. The first cut is a testament to the cyclical nature of life, a moment to engage with your garden in a dance of renewal. So, as you guide your mower across the green expanse, know that you're participating in a ritual as old as gardening itself, nurturing a space of tranquility and joy for the days to come.

Weeds and Moss in the Spring Lawn

Once cutting is carried out on a regular basis, you will be able to ascertain whether or not you have a moss or a weed problem that needs to be treated. April is a good month in which to carry out treatment - just as everything starts into vigorous growth. If you don't have weeds or moss in your lawn, then DON'T use a weedkiller or Mosskiller!

Any areas of rough grass can be dug out at this time of year - before they take hold. If your lawn is basically all rough grass, then read Lawn Renovation.

Bare patches in the lawn can now be over-sown - providing the cause is firstly diagnosed. Use a general grass seed, unless you have a lawn that was sown with a fine mix.